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The Best Ways To Use Instagram To Promote Your Fashion Brand

Using Instagram To Promote Your Fashion Brand And Drive Sales 

As a business person, getting your products and brand out there to lots of people would be of paramount interest to you. There is no better way to get this done than using social media. This is where using Instagram to promote your fashion brand comes in. 

instragram to promote your fashion brandInstagram is a great option for fashion brands because it helps you connect more with your audiences through images. The live video, story feature, and hashtags make it easier for your followers to interact with your fashion brand. It is most suitable for businesses establishing a brand image for fashion brands, thanks to high visual content.

Having a lot of followers who relate to your brand would also be a great achievement. However, do you know the magic spell that will help you get there? It’s simple, read up to know how it’s done.

Instagram now has over 1 billion monthly users and the majority of Instagrammers are shoppers. Brands are looking for how to attract customers who keep coming back for more but what is more important is doing it the right way.

The fashion industry is one of the most active on Instagram. The general audience on Instagram is usually interested in fashion, lifestyle, beautiful photos, and fun. 

market your fashion brand on instagram

7 Tips For Using Instagram For Your Fashion Brand

You don’t need hard sales pitch to have your customers swarming around you. Post the right picture and marvel at how your marketing message will be soaked up. We are now in a digital age where people would rather turn to social media for preferences than make door-to-door inquiries.

This is why you need to learn how to use Instagram to turn passive shoppers into your loyal customers and improve your brand recognition.

Don’t turn on your panic alarm because you are new to Instagram. This guide covers everything you need to know to grow your fashion brand on Instagram. If you are also not a newbie, stick around, there are more advanced tips that would help your business thrive as well.  

Let’s get started.

1. Set Up An Optimized Business Account 

Do not use a personal account for business purposes on Instagram. Put in mind that you are marketing for people. So, your uploads should not revolve around you. You should rarely appear on your brand’s business page or not even appear at all if possible. 

Instagram to promote your fashion brandBefore we move into what to post, let us get the page professionally optimized to appeal to your customers greatly. 

  • Put A Link To Boost Traffic To Your Website Or Clothing Ecommerce Store

There is an opportunity to lead a click over to your website on your Instagram. That is in your bio, the description that comes right under your name. Always include a link to your online shop in your bio. 

  • Pick a Consistent Name And Photo

Stay recognizable! Your pieces won’t fit to show what your brand is if it is otherwise. Choose a name that is the same as the one you use on other business social media channels. Do the same to your profile image. Make sure your interactions and engagements are recognizable and professional. 

  • Use An Interesting Bio That Hooks Followers

People go through your profile before clicking the follow button. So make sure your bio is informative and catchy. Tell them what value you aim to share and what content you will add to their feed. Include a description of what you do. 

Read Also: 12 Tips For Writing Engaging Fashion Business Social Media Captions

2. Tell Your Brand Story

Pictures are sometimes worth more than a thousand words, and they have a customer-hooking advantage. Let us use it here. While Instagram could be filled with shoppers, it is not a shopping destination. Always make sure that your posts align with your brand story.

An instance is if you want people to associate a hipster lifestyle, then your posts must have a hipster element.

fashion brand story on instagram

Here is a quick note on how to appeal and not annoy your customers:

  • Avoid Hard Selling To Customers

The visuals you upload show your product without the need for explanations from you. Allow your viewers to make their decisions on their own. Ensure your posts are not too pushy or wielding too much influence. It should be in between.

  • Use Creative And Professional Pictures To Promote Your Products

You will need to get creative with your product photo. Post your description as salesy after the product photo. Share attention-grabbing photos, and unique ones. Do this right and your customers will come to you.

  • Display Quality And professional Images

Do not use awkwardly cropped or blurred images. Consider the square shape when choosing a picture because Instagram automatically formats your images to square. Ensure your images reflect professionalism. Try and achieve a look that looks distinctive. 

3. Reach A Larger Instagram Following

 promote your fashion brandGrowing your brand does not stop at uploading quality images. You need to improvise a strategy to get people to see them. Here are some techniques below to grow your follower’s list:

  • Include Hashtags To Make You More Visible

Using hashtags is the only way to increase the shelf-life of your Instagram post. Your posts get buried quickly if hashtags are not used due to changes in feeds.

Your post remains discoverable forever when hashtags are used because your posts are lumped together into a community that is linked by a keyword. Do not go overboard with your hashtags, your engagement goes down with more than five hashtags. 

Only use keywords that are researched to be relevant o your brand.

  • Create Your Own HashTags

Create hashtags of your own where you can easily lump all your content. It makes your collection searchable and it becomes your unique tag. 

  • Share Your Follower’s Tagged Photos

Share your followers that are related to your brand on your feed. Followers will be encouraged to check your feed to see themselves. 

Read Also: Fashion Social Media Toolkit: Access To Unique DFY Captions & Designs

4. Boost Engagement On Instagram

You have grown your followers and you want to solidify them into loyal, paying customers. The trick is by engaging, period. An Instagram photo shared with 10,000 followers will get an average engagement of 331.

Instagram offers businesses the opportunity to receive direct feedback from customers, and create a relationship that converts visitors into loyal customers. The following tips will help:

  • Write Active Captions

Without an effective caption, you may not get the full potential of engagement. You may include a call-to-action or ask a question that provides an extra invitation that opens up the conversation. Do not make your captions too long, be direct and interesting enough to hook attention. 

  • Post On A Consistent Schedule

Check your density statistics to know when to engage with your followers. You can schedule one or two posts that fit into the time frame. Posting late at night is suggested by the infomercial effect. This makes you less likely for your post to get lost in the influx of new information. 

      5. Behind The Scene Updates

Posting a behind the scene update is a great way to make your brand look authentic. You could post photos of your apparel design process or videos of the manufacturing process. It also could even be the packaging process.

     6. Giveaway Contests

fashion business on social mediaDoing giveaway contests is on the high side of the internet. It offers a high return investment. You can get a lot of brand exposure from offering your products at a relatively low cost. You can give away your products or offer coupons that can be used in your store. 

Make the contest fun and related to your brand. Do not make it complex. It could be a contest revolving around having your followers post pictures of your product and the best one gets a coupon. 

7. Work With Influencers

fashion brand influencer -Influencer marketing allows you to borrow another person’s followers, and it promises a high return investment. 92% of consumers out there trust influencers more than celebrities or the brand itself.

Influencers will distribute your content to reach the target audience. Working with an influencer is one excellent method of promoting your brand. 

Using Instagram To Promote Your Fashion Brand – Take Away

That’s it on how to use Instagram to promote your fashion brands. However, it will be hard to promote your fashion brand and drive sales using Instagram if you are not consistent. 

We understand it can be stressful and time-draining to be consistent when it comes to posting on social media. To save you time, energy, spare you from stress, we have compiled a list of 400+ Instagram fashion captions and popular hashtags you can use to engage your audience on social media. Get instant access to it below”

Join Fashion Social Media Facebook community to get a sneak peek into the Fashion Social Media Toolkit and a chance to win 10 free customized social media captions + designs exclusively for your own fashion business.

You will also learn how to:

  • be valuably consistent on social media
  • achieve social media branding for your fashion business
  • create fashion social media captions
  • get actionable tips to freshen up your existing social media marketing strategies

We look forward to seeing you join us.

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